Friday, April 20, 2007

Worm Bin Pictures

There are many different ways to build your own worm bin. The final decision will depend on your own preferences, life -style and capabilities.

Here you see a bin split in the middle with an oven rack, a black pipe with holes drilled in it for air and the bottom has no drainage holes.

This person appears to be single, living in an apartment.

Click Here to go see the whole project. The wormer does a very good job of explaining his bin, feeding cycle and harvest methods. He experimented with different solutions to his particular problems until he came up with a satisfactory method to compost with worms in his customized situation.

This wormer mentions using shredded paper and corrugated cardboard for bedding. In his situation the cardboard persisted longer than the paper. He mentions being surprised at this as information indicated that worms love cardboard. This is just proof that there is no absolute right or wrong way to worm bin compost. No food/bedding stock that is the only food/bedding stock to use. Each wormer has to work with what they have available and find out what is going to work for them. Let the worms be the judge. I always say, I don't care how you do it, if the worms are happy, it's right.

Mother Earth's Farm / VermiCulture Northwest

Friday, April 13, 2007

Build Your Own Worm Bin

I've seen where a lot of people are looking for how to build a worm bin.

I thought perhaps I could help by providing some pictures of a bin I built in a week-end.

I have the plan available and you can request a free copy by clicking the link in the right sidebar.

It's easy to build a worm bin out of a plastic tote. Choose your size and color, drill your holes and you have a worm bin.

But maybe you want your bin to be a little more earthy. Or maybe a little bigger.

Your typical tote (especially if you buy one already made into a bin) will be big enough for 1 or 2 people. To handle the waste of a family you will need a bigger bin.

A 1x2x3 bin is perfect for a larger family. And it is made of wood so it has a more earthy feeling.

Here are pictures of a 1x2x3 bin that I built in a weekend with no special tools.

If you know anyone who is handy with a saw, you could probably build your bin from these pictures.

This bin is easy to build.

It is a great size for family of four to six.

A 1x2x3 bin can be built from one sheet of plywood and 2 x 4 wood stock.

It can actually be any size you want.

So build yourself a bin, take my free e-course so you know what you're doing and order some worms .

Happy and Successful Worming,

Mother Earth's Farm / VermiCulture Northwest

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

All Worms Are Not Created Equal

I've heard it many times before. People want to buy worms to put in their gardens. But it doesn't work that way.

There are soil dwellers and there are composting worms. They are not the same.

I just had a customer the other day order a pound of worms. Once she got them she emailed me and indicated she had put them in the soil. I wrote her back and said, "Please tell me you did your homework and that you did not put your composting worms in the soil." Her response was, "I did not do my homework and put them in the dirt....Next time I will read the web site."

Soil dwellers are burrowers. They burrow a deep hole in the soil and attach themselves then stretch out to the surface to search for organic matter dragging a piece down into the burrow to eat. Soil dwellers spend more time burrowing than eating.

Hint: the eating is what produces the castings.

The composters are consumers. They continually move through organic matter eating as they go. That's what they do, day in and day out. Eat, mate, and make babies. Thusly, they need to be in organic matter, aka: leaf pile, manure pile, compost pile...

Please don't put your composters in the soil. They will starve or they will go looking for food. They will not help your soil by being in it.

In this picture you can see the layers in the compost bin. The top layer is composting leaves and shredded newspaper. The worms are concentrated in this top layer. The lower layer is the finished material the worms have already worked. This material is 50/50 worm castings and "compost". If there was not fresh material on top for the worms to eat they could go back and eat the "compost" and even their castings again and derive more nutrition from it. The can not, will not eat soil.

Happy, successful worming,


A site I found to share: